The wrist is a very complex joint. With many ligaments connecting the eight small carpal bones, the metacarpals and bones of the forearm. The most common wrist ligament injuries occur to the TFCC and Scapholunate Dissociation.

Your therapist has a complex understanding of the wrist joint and will be able to assess which ligament group is most likely injured. Sometimes an MRI or functional view X-rays may be requested for your GP to order.

Ligament Injury to the Wrist

The wrist is a very complex joint. With many ligaments connecting the eight small carpal bones, the metacarpals and bones of the forearm. The most common wrist ligament injuries occur to the TFCC and Scapholunate Dissociation.

Your therapist has a complex understanding of the wrist joint and will be able to assess which ligament group is most likely injured. Sometimes an MRI or functional view X-rays may be requested for your GP to order.